torsdag, mai 18, 2006

17th of May

It was supposed to be the big day,
Celebration and joy in the middle of May,
With songs and parades and food and champagne,
The last thing we wanted was torrential rain.

I grabbed my umbrella and ran out on the street,
But I had to slow down, cause of pain in my feet
My shoes was “in vogue” but to new to be snug,
I already needed an uplifting hug.

I run in to a man that I once used to date,
But everything ended with chaos and hate.
He looked like a god but his voice was grim
When he asked me to share my umbrella with him.

I could feel my heart sink but I put on a smile,
And asked if he wanted to join me a while,
We watched the parade that fought through the gale
The children were drenched and their faces were pale.

We stood there like statues and nothing was said,
Despite all the thoughts that ran through my head,
I needed a drink and I wanted him dead,
But I stupidly asked him to join me instead.

People with heartache and a temper like mine,
Should never be served more then one glass of wine,
I lifted my glass and said with tears in my eyes;
“Lets make a toast for betrayal and lies.”

There was no expression to read in his face
No lines, no moves, not even a trace,
He said he was glad that it rained to day,
So we could share one umbrella and be friends on the way.

At that point I just had enough of that day,
Where were the blessings and wonders of May?
I could cope with my shoes, with the wind and the rain,
But this man was driving me wildly insane.

I kept my head cool and my eyes straight in his,
When I leaned against him to give him a kiss,
My voice was thick and mysterious hoarse:
“You broke my heart, now I’m gonna break yours.”

He leaned back in his chair with challenging eyes
“How can you break a heart made of ice?”
I didn’t hesitate to answer his quest,
I grabbed my umbrella and ran it through his chest

I watched him get weaker I watched him die
The barman was outside to enjoy the parade passing by
I pulled out my weapon and went out in the rain
And soon it was just an umbrella again.

Victoria 18 mai 2006

7 kommentarer:

Lotte sa...

Knallbra!! Du er så flink! Så bra at du fortsatt skriver dikt. Det må du aldri slutte med! :)
Jeg skal lese til eksamenen min i morgen.. grøss og gru. Jeg har null peiling forløpig.
Wish me luck.

Victoria sa...

Dette er faktisk det første diktet jeg har skrevet på et år!! Men nå har jeg fått dilla igjen:)
Du klarer eksamen, vettø. Hvis ikke får du bare "få et image at du driter"!! GOOD LUCK

Anonym sa...

Fantastisk! Jeg er superduperimponert, Victoria! Du får komme deg gjennom den søvndyssende, regntunge dagen, nå er det snart helg! (Og på søndag syns jeg dere bør komme dere over på riktig side)

Marit og Satad sa...

Har du virkelig skrevet det diktet selv? Du er bare så utrolig flink, og slutten var jo skikkelig spennende. At du skriver godt på norsk vet jeg jo, men du er jammen meg kjempeflink på engelsk også!

Kry over å være søstra di!

Klem fra Marit

David sa...

Så utrolig bra dikt, Vic. Det var en glede å lese. Slutten var en skikkelig "morsom" vri, du MÅ fortsette å skrive dikt her :)

Anonym sa...

Du er flink Vic, utrolig flink med å få det til å rime - på engelsk.
Continue, please.

Unknown sa...

Det er bare såååååå utrolig godt skrevet! It have it all!!!